One of the many traditions with my friends Csilla and Nora (apart from Sunday brunch) is that we love to have wine and cheese parties. The concept of this party is as easy as to open the first bottle of wine. We used to do it a lot in Berlin (well, we actually did twice) and now being back together for couple of hours we could't find the better plan!
So we brought and bought wine and everyone brought some nice cheese and Csilla even prepared some mushrooms and we baked them on the cheese. Was truly a heaven in my mouth!
Jednou z mnohych tradicii, ktoru sme si s Csillou a Norou osvojili (okrem nedelneho brunchu) je "wine and cheese" party. Koncept tejto party je asi tak jednoduchy, ako je jednoduche otvorit flasu vina (teda ak mate otvarac na vino, vtedy to ide fakt lahko!).
Tieto "wine and cheese" party sme si zvykli robit v Berline (teda mali sme ich konkretne dve), a teraz ked sme boli opat spolu, aspon na par hodin, nic lepsie sa nam do programu ani nehodilo!
Takze sme nakupili a potom priniesli k Nore rozne druhy vina a syru a potom Csilla este urobila sampiony a dali sme ich zapiect na syr - och nebicko v papulke, co Vam budem hovorit?!
Ok, and this is somehow another tradition. As looking back in time I found the picture of Csilla and I at the castle in Slovakia - here, where we were wearing crowns. And now crowns AGAIN?!

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