You know as we all get really upset and annoyed by the fact that already in September shops are fully packed with x-mas candies and chocolates?
Of course, everyone is complaining that the summer didn't even end and we HAVE TO think about winter and more especially X-mas.
I take everything into consideration but still can't help it, but looking at it from my never-ending optimists point of view, I am actually very happy that x-mas candies are arriving to the stores that early! At least we can enjoy them longer! And THE LONGER - THE BETTER, right?
So I went to Lidl the other day, to do just some grocery shopping and couldn't resist stopping by the X-mas shelves and once I discovered my guilty pleasure - Domino Cubes - nobody could persuade me that Christmas hasn't arrived yet.
I'm writing this post especially today, as it is 24th October and only 2 MORE MOTHS to go!
Do you also have some guilty pleasure which you are enjoying especially during X-mas holiday?
Vsetci to velmi dobre pozname, ako sa v nas rozprudi krv, ked uz v septembri najdeme na polickach v obchodoch mikulasov a adventne kalendare, ze?
Samozrejme ze sa kazdy stazuje na to, ze este leto ani neskoncilo a my sme uz obklopeni zaplavou cokolady, konfekcii a adventnych kalendarov, ktore nam pripominaju, ze zima uz prichadza a s nou aj Vianoce!
Aj napriek tomu, ze vsetky tieto argumenty su opravnene a hlavne rozumne, ja - ako nekonecny optimista, mam predsa len iny nazor! Ja mam vlastne velke potesenie z toho, ze si niektore z mojich oblubenych sladkosti mozem vychutnat uz od septembra. Ved ako sa vravi - CIM DLHSIE, TYM LEPSIE, no nie?
A tak som sa vcera vybrala do Lidla, kde som si potrebovala nakupit zopar potravin typu cestoviny a banany, a ked som presla okolo policiek s vianocnymi vecami, neodolala som. Hlavne ked som tam nasla moju najoblubenejsiu vianocnu sladkost - Dominove kocky! Mnam!
Padli za obet, to Vam tu ani pisat nemusis, je to nad slnko jasne:)
Dnes Vam pisem tento odkaz v specialny den. Neviem ci ste si vsimli, ale este 2 MESIACE a su tu VIANOCE!!!
Mate aj Vy nejake tajne pokusenie, ktore si doprajete len na Vianoce?
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