Yesterday we all spent at Vanda's, who just recently got married and moved to the new flat with her husband. And as he wasn't at home, we were invited to have a girl's night with dress code black&white.
I can't describe you how amazing dish Vanda cooked and how beautiful the apartment is!
In love with it - head over heels - full-stop!
PS: Sorry for no "Meet my Friends" Friday, but due to the overloads of my studies, I have to postpone it till tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Vcerajsok sme vsetci stravili u Vandy, ktora sa v septembri vydala a prestahovala uz s manzelom do noveho bytu. Ako sa hohori, ked kocur nie je doma, mysi maju hostinu! A tak aj bolo. Manzel doma nebol a my sme vyuzili tuto moznost a urobili si dievcensky vecierok na temu black and white u Vandy!
Neviem ani slovami opisat, aka uzasna je Vanda kucharka, a ako nadherne cely byt vyzeral!
Laska na prvy pohlad - oficialne!
PS: Prepacte, ze dnes nebude "meet my friends" piatok, ale kvoli mojim skolskym povinnostiam to musim odlozit na zajtra! Teste sa!
Good bye healthy diet - welcome Lindt!
Eva was saying something superbly interesting! haha
I am in love with this cow! And I even found out already where to buy it! Get ready, X-mas is coming!
And the chocolate cake from Vanda's granny!

girls night is really a nice thing...from time to time and her flat looks so nice ;)!
Indeed! Oh and the flat is to die for, next time more pics :D
Deletezavist je slabe slovo!! strasne slabe, hanbim sa, ze som ho vobec pouzila:)
ReplyDeleteNabuduce bude ladies night snad na Francuzskej ;) Vo francuzskom style - voila! x