I hope you agree with me but I think there is nothing more disgusting and asexual than seeing a girl eating a hamburger!
So that's why this post is missing faces - lol.
I can only tell you that the food in La Tavern in Prague was as awesome as my time spent with my friend Ivana. Thanks a lot for re-introducing me to this American culture, which I've been missing much (not my belly, hah)
Anyway, have a happy day and eat it all up! Food is good - right?
Dufam, ze so mnou suhlasite, ale neexistuje asi nic viac nechutnejsie a asexualnejsie, ako ked dievca je hamburger!
Takze preto tomuto prispevku chybaju akekolvek tvare - haha.
Jedine co Vam viem povedat je, ze jedlo v La Tavern v Prahe je asi tak vynikajuce, ako bol vynikajuci cas, ktory som stravila s Ivanou, ktora mi opatovne predstavila americke jedlo, ktore mi tak trochu aj chybalo (ocividne ale nechybalo mojemu brusku :D)
V kazdom pripade, zelam Vam krasny den na hoc ktorej pologuli sa nachadzate!
yuuuuuuum :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed :D