Today was exactly one of those days when I've decided that it's a high time I picked up some x-mas cards!
Usually I try to make them on my own and personalize them for everyone close to my heart, but this time with nights longer and longer due to my studies, it's impossible. So I headed to my favorite shop, where you can get quantity and quality wrapped up in one package, not to mention economical reasons...
So I entered Marks&Spencer and once again couldn't decide on which to take and which to leave, so went for jelly and jolly Santas, which in my opinion are SO cute.
Those ones who will receive them in your mailbox some time pretty soon, please act as you've never read this post - I don't wanna spoil you surprise!
What about you? Are you as old school as I am and still send paper x-mas cards? Or you prefer e-mails?
Let me know about new trends in mailing - haha - all ears!
Dnesok mozeme nazvat dnom, kedy som sa uz konecne odhodlala a sla kupit vianocne pozdravy!
Zvycajne si ich sama vyrabam, ale tieto Vianoce, aj napriek tomu, ze moje noci su stale dlhsie a dlhsie, co ma za nasledok medzi inymi aj ekonomia, to jednoducho nestiham. A tak som sa rozhodla pre plan B, a sice ist pozriet co maju u Marka a Spencera! Ked skombinujem kvalitu a kvantitu, pride mi to ako najlepsie riesenie, v tomto ekonomicky narocnom case Vianoc.
Samozrejme, ze som sa opat raz nevedela rozhodnut, ale nakoniec som vybrala takych malych a veselych Santa Clausov! Tymto ale prosim tych, ktori s vysokou pravdepodobnostou dostanu pozdrav doma do schranky, aby tuto postu ignorovali a nenechali si pokazit prekvapenie!
Ako ste na tom Vy? Mate uz kupene vianocne pohladnice? Posielate ich este?
I never sent Xmas cards but I always thought is a really nice old school thing to do especially on your own! I'm going to draw some present tag instead on my least I'll try ;)
This is such a great idea to make name tags for presents on your own! I've never really thought of it as for my friends I always pack the present before going to give it, so I remember! But need to try to make and paint some tags this x-mas! Thanks for sharing! x
I never sent Xmas cards but I always thought is a really nice old school thing to do especially on your own!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to draw some present tag instead on my least I'll try ;)
This is such a great idea to make name tags for presents on your own! I've never really thought of it as for my friends I always pack the present before going to give it, so I remember! But need to try to make and paint some tags this x-mas! Thanks for sharing! x