Play more!
Immediately after that MAC ad yesterday, I did some more digging and found that it certainly wasn't revolutionary, as Madewell and Kate Spade already did so as well. But here you go, for your very own inspiration, enjoy and play with these two more! (just click on them to watch)
Ok, seems that there are some difficulties when it comes to opening the videos. That's why I'm leaving you only with the link to interlude where among their projects you'll find also Madewell and Kate Spade video. Click to watch!
Which one is your favorite?
Hned po tom, ako som tu vcera uverejnila interaktivnu reklamu od MAC, tak som si o nich zacala trochu viac googlit, a zistila som, ze neslo velmi o revoluciu, nakolko uz podobne reklamy urobili Madewell a Kate Spade. Ponukam Vam ich tu pre porovnanie, aby ste sa mohli trochu viac zahrat a pobavit sa! (video sa zobrazi po kliknuti na nazov, nepodarilo sa mi ich tu vlozit, sorry!)
Ok, nakolko nejako zlyhalo spojenie medzi videami a blogom, tak Vam tu nechavam odkaz priamo na interlude, kde medzi ich projektmi najdete aj uz spomenute videa od Madewell a Kate Spade. Click to watch!
Ktora je Vasa oblubena?
very nice post:)
ReplyDeleteKate Spade!
Thank you, girls! x