Sometimes you don't have to drive over the borders to get into the best Christmas mood!
Our Christmas Market here in Prague. Wouldn't recommend to drink "Gluhwein" there, but besides this, we have the prettiest "Tannenbaum".
Nas vianocny trh v Prahe. Asi by som Vam neodporucala pit tam varene vino, ale az na tento detail tam vladne prima vianocna atmosfera a jednoznacne mame najkrajsi vianocny stromcek!
Vianocky na prazskom vianocnom trhu!
Dakujem dievcata!

there's a small Xmas Market in my city but I didn't visit it yet...Prague looks o beautiful in this mood!!
This was also the very first time this season I paid visit to x-mas market in Prague! Was delightful, so I advice you to go and check yours and make a post on it!!! 8-)