January 26, 2013
my organic morning

January 15, 2013
snow snow snow
Just how many nights and days I need to spend until spring holiday will be here again?
And just how many days more I'll need to spend in bed until my health will be back again?
Oh well, ladies and gentlemen, there's nothing much going on here, if I am not studying and drinking liters of hot tea with honey - I am sleeping with fever, unable to even move a page in a book.
I guess those symptoms are just general and natural for everyone who's a student, especially in his/her last year! So let's raise our glasses with ginger tea!!
This post is dedicated to all of my friends who are sick and feeling ill :) Get better soon!
Este kolkokrat sa musim vyspat, aby tu boli jarne prazdniny? A este kolkokrat sa musim vyspat, kym mi bude lepsie? No co uz, damy a pani, nic extra sa u nas nedeje, teda ak nepocitam to, ze ked necumim do knih a nepijem litre caju s medom, tak lezim pod nekonecnou vrstvou paplonov a diek a snazim sa vypotit zo seba tie zaludne naznaky a priznaky chripky.
Myslim, ze symptomy hovoria za vsetko: zacalo sa skuskove obdobie! A predpokladam, ze kazdy student mi rozumie, obvzlast ked ide o studentov v poslednom rocniku - tak ako sme my!
Takze dovolim si vziat do ruky svoj zazvorovy caj a pripit si na zdravie vsetkych mojich kamaratov, ktori sa ocitli v chorobe a v skuskovom - velmi nedobrovolne!
Uzdravte sa!
Co najskor!

January 12, 2013
Back from Vienna
Tonight my classmates and I returned from the conference at the UN - full of disillusion, frustration and questions what is the actual role of the UN in the 21st century?
We were leaving Vienna and its International Center with more questions than we had when coming in. And those questions will remain unanswered until some of us really gets in and discovers what is behind the curtains made of 193 flags.
Not to remain skeptical at all - here is my future boss. Still cut out of a paper :)

January 7, 2013
Let everyday be like x-mas...

January 3, 2013
Hello 2013!
- I hope and I cross my fingers to graduate in June 2013 - one of the biggest challenge!
- To successfully complete my final thesis - which doesn't even exist by now - another BIG challenge.
- To be accepted to PHD in Budapest - which would be dreams coming true!
- To be a baby sitter for a little angel - my niece - this summer.
- Meeting Robbie Williams in Vienna in July - tickets are bought so now up to the stage - please!
- To keep in touch with my dear ones.
- To be more tolerant, understandable and simply better friend.
Wish me luck to keeping them!
And you, please, share some of yours for a better inspiration :)
Ahojte kamarati a ahoj uplne novy rok 2013!
Novy rok stale zacina s novymi predsavzatiami a malymi osobnymi revoluciami v nasich zivotoch, ktore trvaju tak maximalne tyzden. Posledne roky som nemala to stastie, aby som dodrzala vsetko, co som si toho 1.Januara naslubovala. Este stale som nebola na vianocnych trhoch vo Viedni, nenavstivila Blathnu v Irsku a este stale neprecitala Zlocin a trest!
Tohto roku ale dufam, ze sa mi podari vydrzat a hlavne dodrzat, co si tu teraz pred Vami napisem!

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