When your voice is breaking and your heart is aching - it's alway good to have a glass of wine, glass of water (as you don't need a headache as well:)) and a friend.
This is an inspiration for all of my friends, who can read in between the lines and know where to find me to cheer up, be crazy and most of all listen.
Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to appreciate the taste of coconut yogurt or fresh carrots. Exactly for them we should be here, help and listen, because after the rain - there always comes sun, in special cases rainbow included. And please, also read this in between the lines, because it's getting late and it's raining so I am worried that there's gonna be dark for at least 10 hours for now - lol.
Ked sa Vam v telefone podlamuje hlas a srdce trochu pobolieva, vtedy je cas na pohar vina, pohar vody (nepotrebujete predsa k tomu vsetkemu aj bolest hlavy:)) a priatela.
Toto je inspirativny prispevok pre vsetkych mojich kamaratov a kamaratky, ktore vedia citat medzi riadkami a hlavne vedia kde ma najst, aby som ich rozveselila a hlavne vypocula. Pretoze nie vsetci sme sa narodili pod stastnou hviezdou a dokazeme sa radovat a ocenit chut kokosoveho jogurtu alebo cerstvej mrkvy. A preste pre nich by sme tu mali byt - aby sme ich uistili, ze po dazdi, vzdy pride slniecko a niekedy aj duha. A tuto poslednu vetu citajte tiez medzi riadkami, lebo momentalne je tma a prsi, a tak minimalne asi 10 hodin ziadne slnko a nie to este duha nevyjde - haha.
Interesting and funny post.
ReplyDeleteI like your blog and I hope you can read between the line I would like to following each other. Let me know and I follow back
Thanks!! Got your point - let's do it! x
DeleteI need a glass of wine right now!
Tell me about it?! haha
thank you Gloria!
ReplyDeleteThank you, i Follower
totally agree wit u i love carrots and its refreshing always for me...!!