I love birthdays! There's something about the parties and great food and with a cake and candles on top of it. Like who doesn't - right? Selfishly enough I have to admit, that as almost everyone else, I do prefer my birthday - apart the fact that it is actually me, who is getting older...
But this weekend it was a birthday party of my friend Petra - yes, another Petra in the house - and we couldn't celebrate it in a bigger style. The lack of pictures is probably the proof, that we've been doing everything else and didn't really have time to stop for a while and make it a memory, which will once be printed out. Oh well, shall I say and here I present you 4 out of 7 pictures, which are public friendly!
Once again: Happy birthday!
Zboznujem narodeniny! Na vsetkych tych party, darcekoch a torte so svieckami je nieco magicke. Samozrejme, tak ako kazdy uprimny a sebecky clovek, aj ja sa priznavam, ze mam radsej svoje narodeniny. Teda, odhliadnuc of faktu, ze som to prave ja, kto je opat o rok starsi...
Tento vikend sme ale oslavovali narodeniny mojej kamaratky Petry - oh ano, dalsia Petra :) - a mali sem sa priam fanfarovo. Hostitelka nam pripravila skvele jedlo, z ktoreho som ochutnala hned po prichode, aby som sa dostala ku vsetkemu a mohla objektivne zhodnotit, ze porova strudla sa podarila najlepsie! Sampanske sa lialo potokom, a to je asi jedna z pricin, preco nemame nafotenych viac fotiek, ktore by sme mohli premenit na spomienky. Nevadi... V kazdom pripade Vam tu ponukam 4 z 7 fotiek, ktore su ako tak aspon publikovatelne:)
A este raz, nech nezabudnem: Vsetko najlepsie!

it looks like an amazing birthday!
Thank you Laura, it really was! :)