Ciao amigos!
Here I am with another part of Vienna experience. After the concert, Petra and I stayed in Vienna for another 2 days. We enjoyed it mostly thanks to our friends, who showed us the city from a cool homie perspective and not just the touristic one. For which I am eternally thankful!! We had the best ice-cream in town, had a chance to look at the whole city from the top of the hill and enjoyed the evening on the city beach. What more could we possibly wish for? x
Milacikovia, hlasim sa s dalsou davkou Viedne. Po koncerte sme zostali v meste este na dalsie dva dni, ktore sme si uzili hlavne preto, ze nas s mestom zoznamili kamarati. Ponukli nam teda pravu a nefalsovanu viedensku atmosferu - bez turistov! A za to im budem naveky vdacna :) Boli sme si dat najlepsiu zmrzlinu, pozreli sa na mesto z vrcholku prilahleho kopca a vecer sme stravili na mestskej plazi pri Dunaji. Co viac sme si mohli asi tak zelat? x
Petra a nas hostitel Niclas.
Moja zmrzlina: mak/malina - MNAM
Cela vyprava s Viednou v pozadi - Jakob, Niclas, Petra a Manu.
Tessa v hlavnej ulohe.
Na plazi pred zotmenim.
Piatok sme sa okrem presunu do Bratislavy rozhodli pozriet aj na centralny cintorin vo Viedni. Bol to zazitok soferovat si to po cintorine, nakolko u nas su cintoriny pomerne male a autom tam vstup v ziadnom pripade nie je. Pozreli sme sa na miesta, kde su pochovani Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, ale aj Johan Strauss starsi a mladsi.
Friday, before the departure to Bratislava we decided to check also the central cemetery in Vienna. It was quite an experience when we were driving among the huge tombs in a car. The cemetery is so huge, that one simply has to take a car to find a person you're looking for. We managed to find Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert as well as Johan Strauss Vater und Sohn.

miss Vienna, I definitely have to go back!!
ReplyDeleteIndeed! Fully recommend you! 've been there like zillion times and still craving more :)