Hello friends,
Together with August, came my friend Csilla - for a visit. For the first day we explored the Capital of Culture - Kosice - 2013. And we managed to find places I've not visited in ages, some in fact never. I enjoy very much having a company here and I am very sorry Csilla is leaving soon. But no worries, you'll be seeing pictures from this occasion also next week :)
Hope your weekend was at least as awesome as ours!
Ahojte kamarati,
spolu s augustom k nam zavitala aj Csilla. Prisla si pozriet Hlavne mesto kultury 2013 - Kosice. Spolocne sa nam podarilo objavit aj nepoznane, miesta kde som v Kosiciach uz dlho nebola. Mam velmi rada, ked mam doma spolocnost a mozem svojim kamaratom ukazat tuto vychodoslovensku metropolu. Skoda teda, ze Csilla sa uz o chvilu poberie domov. Ale nezufajte, fotky z tohto vyletu sa tu budu objavovat po cely cas tento tyzden :D
Dufam, ze aj vas vikend bol aspon tak dobry ako ten nas!
Csilla with Rakoci in Rodosto - Hungarian friendship
The loveliest breakfast place in town - Rozpravkova ranajkaren :)
Csilla smiling, because the cake finally arrived :)))
Almost British ;-)
The Craftmen Street / Hrnciarska ulica v Kosiciach
Baratom Sandor Marai :)

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