There are loads of things I love about Budapest, but finally I found my cherry on the top! SUGAR SHOP. Full-stop. You have to enter this shop and cafe to really understand what I mean. Even tho my friend Nik likes to say that I am able to find heaven on Earth basically everywhere, so this shouldn't be no particular exception of my exclamation. But still. The cakes. The drinks. The place. Everything you've ever wished for with the whipped cream on it! Yummmy!
So Kitty and I visited this place with our friend Brigitta - who is Budapest local - and we have to tell you that now we adore her for bringing us here and introducing us to such a wonderland!
Ok, if you happen to be in Budapest any time soon, don't hesitate and go and check it! x
Existuje asi milion dovodov, preco mam Budapest tak rada, ale konecne som nasla tu ceresnicku na torte, a sice SUGAR SHOP. Bodka. Nic viac k tomu nemusim dodat, lebo akekolvek doveryhodne budu moje opisy tohto Disneylandu plneho kolacov, tak stale budu chabe a nebudu zodpovedat tomu, comu by mali. Moj kamarat Nik mi stale vravi, ze ja som schopna najst nebo na zemi skoro vsade, takze moje ovacie nad tymto miestom bral so znacnou rezervou. Ale chyba! Tie kolace. Tie drinky. A to miesto. Vsetko co som si kedy priala, a este k tomu pod jednou strechou! Mnam!
S Kitty nas na toto miesto zaviedla Brigitta, ktora vola Budapest svojim domov, a tak pozna rozlicne zakutia tohto mesta. V kazdom pripade sme jej nekonecne vdacne, ze nas zoznamila s tymto miestom. A tak, ked budete najblizsie v meste, nevahajte ani sekundu! Viete kam mate ist ;-) x
- my lavender and green tea cake -
- Kitty and Brigitta -
- feeling like in Disneyland -

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