Sometimes it happens and you are lucky enough to find your soulmates. And last week I was the happiest as I had a chance to spend few days with these two girls in my almost favorite city in the world. Well, Budapest it is. Stole my heart very first time we met, back in...2009(?!). Who knows now!
I met Kitty after a year (!!!) and it was greaaaat - as always. We were laughing and actually crying from laugh. Csilla dear was our host and showed us around all the places where we could get the best cake and coffee and most of all brunch! I even tried sushi like second time in my life, haha. Why it had to be in Budapest, which is just absolutely NOT at the seaside, I don't know. But it happened and I liked it and now I can proudly say I LIKE IT.
Ok, enough for Friday evening. Hope you're all doing just well! x
Niekedy sa to stane a my stretneme spriaznene duse. A stalo sa aj to, ze som s tymi svojimi stravila niekolko nezabudnutelnych dni v Budapesti. Neviem ako sa to stalo, ale Budapest mi vyrazila dych a moje srdce jej patri uz hrozne dlho a mozno je to aj moje najoblubenejsie mesto na svete. Och bolo to davno. Bolo to v 2009 (?!). hahaha Kto si to uz ma pamatat?!
S Kitty sme sa videli po roku (!!!). Zdalo sa to byt vecnost, ale hned ako sme sa na letisku stretli, vecnost bola prec a znovu sme sa smiali az sme plakali. Klasika. Byvali sme u drahej Csilly, ktora nam ukazala tie najlepsie miesta, kde si dat kolacik, salku kavy a hlavne ranajky. A dokonca som vyskusala aj sushi, asi druhykrat v zivote! Neviem preco to muselo byt prave v Budapesti, ktora ani nahodou nie je pri mori, ale bolo to dobre, a tak mozem hrdo vyhlasit, ze SUSHI MI CHUTI.
Ok, a to by uz asi aj mohlo byt vsetko na piatok vecer. Dufam, ze sa vsetci mate fajn! x
- oh delights -
- in the cafe where also Sisi used to come -
- in the footprints of Katy Perry -
- Kitty -
- the view is amazing, but we were lacking the sunshine -
- The Hero's Square -
- Imre Nagy, Kitty and I -

Those buildings are beautiful! And pretty impressive, getting in the lion statue. My sister and I always love taking funny pictures with statues in any new city that we visit.
Thanks Brittney! I love Budapest and everything about it is kinda impressive for me! You should definitely pay a visit :)))