Hello beauties, lovelies and everyone who still after 2 weeks of silence visit my blog - I owe you big times!!
I am not even gonna apologize because it would be all the same again, what you've already heard several times - about life happening and not having time to breath not to mention to write a proper and interesting post for you...
But here I am now, Saturday's night, hanging out with myself on a cosy sofa in my cosy flat and writing those lines to you. The week was hectic. I didn't have time to upload those lovely photos from Petra's and Lucka's B-day party and I am sorry for that, girls - but better later than never - world should see them, I am fully convinced! The party was great indeed and I am happy we have some memories made - even tho only those 2 pics made it into representative sample - lol.
While hanging out at home and being my own BFF I am going through some nice articles, which I recommend you to read as well, when you'll find a while and when you've seen all the updates and new pictures at Pinterest - because believe me, I know what am I talking about.
Speaking of being my own BFF, click at the link which follows and read the full text: Be Your Own BFF
I don't know how about you, but I LOVE Gone with the wind and Scarlett and Rhett. Here is a little food for thought about Scarlett and her embracing the real art of being a woman who knows what she wants: A Lesson From Scarlett O'Hara
And I promise, a very last one article from Darling Magazine (can't help it, simply love them all) is about 50 Ways How To Love Life and I encourage you to try come of them as soon as possible, even if it was just to light a candle at the breakfast table.
This article is for those of you who are considering or actually living on your own. It's about embracing the advantages of not having a roommates actually. Go ahead and dig in: Lessons Learned From Living Alone
And those are officially very last lines I am about to write ce soir. I am deadly tired after "working" also on Saturday, even tho it was just the visit of a congress - still obligatory. Hope you all enjoy the weekend, recharge and have a look at this blog also later on during the week. I'll upload some fun - soon - I promise :)
With love,

This looks like a wonderful time :)) xx