My all time favorite is Extremely loud and incredibly close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Seriously - I adore the book. Have it both in English and German, just in case i would crave some German (you never know!). It's the most original book I had in my hands.
Ano, este stale som v studijnom mode na nestastnu skusku z ekonomie. Takze co je lepsia tema v skuskovom ako knihy?! Mojou srdcovkou je Extremy loud and incredibly close od Jonathana Safrana Foera. Seriozne - uplne milujem tu knihu! Mam ju v anglictine aj nemcine, len pre pripad ze by som dostala hroznu chut precitat si nieco nemecke (jeden nikdy nevie predsa!). Je to najoriginalnejsia kniha, aku som mala v rukach.
I am gonna leave you here also with the trailer for the movie. What you think of it? I was rather disappointed - but I guess it's kinda subjective, 'cos for now I am probably the only person who didn't like it.
Nechavam Vam tu este odkaz na trailer k filmu. Co si o nom myslite? Ja som bola viac menej sklamana, ale zasa na druhej strane, je to trochu subjektivne, nakolko som asi jedina, komu sa ten film az tak nepacil.
Also wanted to share with you this page where you can find books you might like: What should I read next
A ked uz hovorime o knihach, ktora je Vasa naj?
A aby som nezabudla, skuste sa pozriet na tuto stranku, What should I read next, pomoze Vam najst knihy, ktore by sa Vam mohli pacit :)
Happy Sunday everyone! x

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