My friend Lubi and I spent ages getting ready, doing make-up and looking just fabulous (but completely NO pressure!!!) When we finally got to the club we've realized that in comparison to all the people inside we were looking just natural! Guys with pearls everywhere, but seriously EVERYWHERE! There was one with pearl eyebrows or piercings full of pearls! Btw. have to realized that I am talking about guys and NOT girls with pearls? Because all the girls looked just so natural and normal in comparison to all those pearly men. So yeah, in the end we have decided to change the club, was no hope there. Also the picture is from leaving the place with gratitude and grace, haha. How was your Friday night out? Or in? x
PS: But wasn't it pearls&diamonds after all?
Vcera vecer bol v znameni diamantov a peral. Ja a moja kamoska Lubi sme sa chystali asi veky, robili make-up, len aby sme vyzerali maximalne nenutene! Ked sme sa konecne dostali do klubu zistili sme, ze v porovnani s ostatnym osadenstvom vyzerame az prilis normalne! Chlapy mali perly vsade, a ked vravim vsade, tak myslim tym fakt vsade! Bol tam jeden s perlovym obocim alebo perlovym piercingom... Dufam, ze ste postrehli, ze hovorim o chlapoch s perlami a nie zenach, lebo tie vyzerali vsetky az prilis normalne v porovnani s tou perlovou zaplavou! Takze sme sa pre istotu rozhodli zmenit lokal a nacerpat nejaky sviezi vzduch. Fotka je z naseho odchodu, ako sme hlavne s graciou a vysokymi podpatkami opustali klub. Aky bol Vas piatok? x

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