Recently when I was procrastinating on Pinterest* I found one pin about originality, which really inspired me on writing this blogpost. It says that "originality" doesn't exist anymore. Which is just so true! When thinking about the proper picture on originality I couldn't find anything better than instagramed pictures. OR even better - instagramed pictures about the weekend. Because, naturally, during the weekend one hasn't got that much time to upload on blog, so to go for an instagramed version of pictures is the easiest one and the best one. But now we come to the originality itself, answer the question honestly: how many times have you already seen instagramed pics on the blogs? To speak for myself: something like googolplex-times!!! And I am not exaggerating! But how could I be the missing one with this superbly hisper-like activity?! So yeah, here I come, completely unoriginal but happy with my instagram pics online! Do you like them?
But what I would like to tell you now is, if you find something in this world you are original in, stick to it and improve it and even make living out of it if you like it and if it's possible! But for the rest of you, which is like 99% of population (me including - probably :D ) whatever makes you happy - do it! And who cares if it's an original or not?! The most important is, that it makes you happy! So who cares, that instagramed pics are all over internet?! I like them and I'll post them! So get ready! haha
What's your opinion in thing? Let me know!!! all ears yours - x.
PS: After all, we are all originals! With or without instagram :)
*Which is now almost every evening (and morning), as I am at home with my parents and there are no exams, so free evenings (and mornings), olala!
Nedavno, ked som si prezerala nejake obrazky na internete* a opat raz som prokrastinovala na pintereste, nadabila som na jeden, co vravel, ze "originalita" uz vymrela, a nic take uz neexistuje. S cim samozrejme suhlasim! Ked som sa nad tym ale zamyslala, nakolko ma to velmi inspirovalo a chcela som o tom napisat post, tak som nevedela prist na lepsi obrazok ako na instagramove obrazky! A nie hoci ake! Ale instagramove obrazky z vikendov! Pretoze, uplne prirodzene, cez vikend nemame dost casu, aby sme popri vsetkych tych aktivitach este mali cas na to, aby sme update-ovali nase blogy. Takze zvolit si instagramove obrazky je to najjednoduchsie, ako stale ostat v sedle a zaroven si uzit vikend. No a prave teraz prichadzeme k originalite samotnej. Odpovedzte mi uprimne: Kolkokrat ste uz videli na blogoch instagramove obrazky? Aby som hovorila za seba, tak ja aspon zilionkrat! A to neprehanam! Ale ako by som mohla vynechat tuto super hipstesku zabavu? A tak som tu, uplne neoriginalna, ale stastna s instagramovymi obrazkami! Pacia sa Vam?
Ale co by som Vam tymto vlastne chcela povedat je, ze pokial najdete nieco v com ste original, tak sa toho drzte, zlepsujte sa a v popripade snazte sa z toho urobit svoje zamestnanie - pokial sa Vam to paci a pokial je to samozrejme mozne! Ale pre zvysok populacie, co je asi tak 99% (vratane mna - pravdepodobne :D ), cokolvek Vas urobi stastnymi - robte to! A koho zaujima, ci je to originalne alebo nie? Najdolezitejsie je, ze ste stastni, a ze Vas to bavi! Takze koho co do toho, ze instagramove obrazky su po celom internete? Mne sa pacia a budem ich postovat! Takze sa na to pripravte! haha
Aky mate na to nazor Vy? Dajte mi vediet! Som same usi - x.
PS: V konecnom dosledku, vsetci sme originalni! S alebo bez instagramu :)
*Co je skoro kazdy vecer (a rano), nakolko som doma s rodicmi a uz je po skuskach, takze volne vecere (a rana), olala!

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