COS shorts
I've realized recently that I haven't really showed you what I've brought home with me from Barcelona and it won't be long before I'll head out for another summer adventure. But more about this story later... So let's catch up!
I know, one would think that I shopped out the whole Zara or Mango, but in fact my eyes set on COS (apart from Zara - of course!), which has become one of my favorite shops ever since Berlin. Really funny actually now thinking of it as from Barcelona, the capitol of Spanish fashion, and I've shopped in Scandinavian store - oh well, you know what they say - love is love!
Anyway, today we've spent the whole day at my grandma's who I haven't seen in a while, so I dressed sporty but still with a little sparkle - ultimate h&m necklace :D
How is your weekend - so far? Hope you have a good one! x
Az teraz som si uvedomila, ze som Vam este neukazala, co som si vlastne z tej Barcelony priniesla a to sa uz coskoro vyberiem na ine dobrodruzstvo! Ale viac o tomto niekedy inokedy... V kazdom pripade, podme dohanat!
Viem, ze asi kazdy by si myslel, ze byt v Barcelone, tak vykupim celu Zaru a este Mango k tomu, ale opak je pravdou. Neodolala som COS-u (ale aj Zare - samozrejme!). COS sa stal jednym z mojich oblubenych obchodov v Berline. Aky paradox, ze v hlavnom meste spanielskej mody a ja utracam v skandinavskom obchode - no co uz, viete ako sa hovori - ked musis, tak musis - alebo jednoducho - laska je laska :)
V kazdom pripade sme dnesok stravili u babky, ktoru som nevidela uz davnejsie, a tak som si pre dnesok zvolila trochu sportovy a trochu leskly outfit - moj doplnok tohto leta a.k.a. h&m nahrdelnik!
Aky mate vikend Vy? Dufam, ze len a len dobry! x

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