When going for vintage, my number one is always Portobello Market in London. It's the first stop I always do when I am in the city. It's not the best only for clothes but also for furniture, accessories and FOOD! I still have in my memory the sweater which Kitty and I discovered in one tiny shop there and left it, 'cos it was: 1.expensive, 2.too thick to fit into our cabin luggage, haha (bless you, Ryanair!). It was pink with rabbits and carrots all over it! Oh the sweetest thing! Maybe I'll be lucky and find it somewhere else one day... Keep on dreaming, girl!
But you know what is also vintage? To watch Beverly Hills every morning while eating breakfast. Yes, silly me, I know, but I just can't stop it. I am already on the 2nd season and 8 more to come. I think I am gonna dedicate the whole summer to Walsh family, haha. But have you realized how fashionista Brenda was? Denim on denim from the very first season. Sorry, I just can't get over this fact that now we dress almost the same style as people did back in the beginning of 90's.
Ok, I'm getting long again, so let's get to the point of this post and to the picture I decided to post with it. It's my Dad's old shirt, which I found very randomly when I was trying to find some space in the closet to fit my million dresses and shirts in and my Mum decided that he's never gonna wear this again (obviously!). So instead of throwing it away I decided to keep it and made an ultimate piece of my vintage collection. You know, even tho I love Portobello, I still think that the best pieces one can find actually at home. Just go to the wardrobe of your parents or grandparents and there you go - the golden treasure! Believe me, this shirt is not the first piece I've found at home. Success guaranteed!
What about you and vintage? Do you like it? Where do you shop? All ears yours - x.
Milujem vintage! Veci, na ktore sa uz davno zabudlo a potom sa znovu objavili s este vacsim uspechom a zaujmom ako kedysi!
Najradsej mam vintage na Portobello market v Londyne. Je to stale moja prva zastavka, ked som v meste. Nie je len jednotkou co sa tyka siat, ale aj nabytku, doplnkov a JEDLA! Este stale mam v pamati sveter, co sme tam s Kitty raz nechali, a to hned z dvoch pricin: 1.bol drahy, 2.bol prilis tucny a nezmestil by sa nam do kabinkovej batoziny, haha (niet nad Ryanair!). Bol ale rozkosny, ruzovy so zajacikmi a mrkvami. Och najsladsi na svete! Mozno ho ale este niekedy niekde najdem... haha samozrejme, len pokracuj snivat, milacik!
Ale viete co je este vinatge? Pozerat Beverly Hills kazde rano ku ranajkam. Oh ano, hanbim sa, ale uz som na druhej serii a este mi chyba 8 dalsich. Myslim, ze toto leto venujem rodine Walshovcov, haha. Inak stale sa nemozem preniest cez fakt, ako Brenda predstihla svoju dobu a stale nosila denim na denim, co je jeden z hlavnych hitov sezony! Zaujimave, ako teraz nosime skoro podobne veci, ako nosili ludia na zaciatku 90tych rokov (!!!).
Ok, ale uz sa mi to tu opat trochu predlzilo, a tak by som sa rada dostala k pointe celeho prispevku a k vysvetleniu, preco som si zvolila tento obrazok. Prednedavnom (teda asi pred 2mi dnami) som sa snazila najst v satniku nejake miesto, kam by som odlozila svojich milion siat a bluz, a tak maminka zacala vyradzovat a zhodou okolnosti sme nasli medzi vyradenymi vecami koselu mojho tatka, ktoru mamka zhodnotila, ze uz nebude nosit. A tak som ju sikovne skonfiskovala a urobila z nej zakladny kusok mojeho vintage satniku! Ak sa lepsie prizriete, uvidite ze vysacka hovori: Šohaj Strážnice! Takze si asi viete predstavit, ake je to stare :D
No nic, co som Vam tymto chcela povedat je, ze napriek tomu, ze milujem Portobello, stale si ale myslim, ze najlepsie vintage kusky sa daju najst priamo doma! Len otvorte satnik Vasich rodicov alebo prarodicov a objavite zlaty poklad! Verte mi, nie je to prva vec, co som takto objavila doma! Je to zaruceny uspech!
Co takto Vy a vintage? Kde nakupujete? Pocuuuvam! x

100 bodov! :)