Of course! Each of us did so - back in the time! So for today the most interesting program I can watch being back home for the summer holiday is actually washing machine - as I have like googolplex things to wash. Crazy times! And I can not even imagine that I will have to iron it at some point - especially when outside is a killer heat!
I believe that this is a very unique post. But important is, that I have arrived safely with all my suitcases and things which somehow completely by magic fit into it! And my biggest thanks for my friend Barbora, who helped me with it! x
Pamatate si, ako sa male deti tak radi pozeraju na iducu pracku? Samozrejme! Kazdy z nas to robil, niekedy davno pradavno. Jednoducho niet lepsieho programu v telke ako je peruca pracka! A to je aj tohtodnovy celodenny program pre mna, nakolko som sa pristahovala domov na letne prazdniny a periem vsetko ale kompletne! Neviem si ani len predstavit, ze to budem musiet potom cele zehlit - obvzlast v tomto neskutocnom teple!
V kazdom pripade, uznavam, toto je velmi divny post, ale kazdy musi niekedy prat, ze? Len som Vam vlastne chcela tymto povedat, ze som stastne pricestovala domov, a ze moje velke dakujem leti pre kamosku Barborku, ktora mi pomohla sa na tu stanicu vobec dostat! x

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