It cannot be more true for me. In the summer 2010 I met two of my best friends - Kitty and Miguel - and this friendship turned into love very very soon. And nowadays it's one of the most precious things I actually own.
After Paris we met in London, where Miguel did his study exchange. Then Amsterdam, where Kitty lives. Next summer it was just Kitty and I in Rome and Naples. And last winter they both came to visit me to Berlin. This Barcelona trip was the last one so far of our adventures - but there are plenty more to come! I am sure.
As one cannot chose a family but can chose friends - I am very happy to have you! x
Hovori sa, ze Pariz je mesto lasky a tak isto aj to, ze laska ma mnoho podob. Musim len dodat, ze pre mna to plati dvojnasobne. V lete 2010 som stretla dvoch zo svojich najblizsich kamaratov - Kitty a Miguela - a toto priatelstvo sa coskoro zmenilo na lasku. Dodnes je to jedna z najvzacnejsich veci, ktore mam.
Po tom ako sme sa stretli v Parizi, videli sme sa v Londyne, kde Miguel studoval. Potom sme isli pozriet Kitty do Amsterdamu. Minule leto sme boli len same dve v Rime a Neapole. A tuto zimu ma prisli obaja pozriet do Berlina. Tento nas posledny vylet do Barcelony, bol len poslednym z mnoha dalsich, ktore este mame pred sebou.
Rodinu si nevyberieme, ale priatelov ano - a ja som velmi rada ze ich mam! x

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