As I always say, new boyfriend - new life - new haircut! Just that I've changed just my location, changed the country and the city and in this super heat I keep myself occupied with everything I can do indoors. So instead of trying to sort out my life from the suitcases I brought with me, I've decided to make a new banner for the blog. Even tho my parents made fun of me while practicing to paint "etiene et eugene" on the floor in our living room - I think it turned out very good! What do you think about it? Like it or not? Need your feedback! Thanks!x
A dnes nastal ten cas, kedy sa udeju zmeny! Ako stale hovorim, novy frajer - novy zivot - novy uces! Az na to, ze v mojom pripade doslo len k nepatrnej zmene mojej lokacie. Zmenila som krajinu posobenia a snazila sa zamestnat samu seba v tomto teple s akoukolvek aktivitou, ktoru mozno vykonavat doma. A aj napriek tomu, ze by som mala upratovat a odkladat cely svet co som so sebou priniesla z Prahy, tak som sa rozhodla pre prijemnejsiu aktivitu, a.k.a. urobit si novu hlavicku na blogu. Sice si zo mna moji rodicia robili srandu, ked som na podlahe nasej obyvacky nacvicovala asi milionkrat ako napisat "etiene et eugene", tak si myslim, ze vysledok stoji za to! Co si myslite? Podajte mi spatnu vazbu, nech viem na com som :) Dakujem! x

hi my dear! thanks for the comment on my blog! would like to wish a happy new year!!! big kiss giuly