My friends know that I am sort of girl who has more make up free days in a week than make up on days. Well, partly because I am one of those lucky ones with nice complexion but mostly because I am just too lazy in the morning to put one anything which would steal my time being longer in the bed. And here we go - here's the true! haha
But it's summer and let's face it, everything you put one will melt down the minute you get out. Or in my case I would melt down in the elevator till I would reach the final destination called ground-floor! So putting on make up or even powder is just waste of time, money and material itself.
And here I am giving you my ultimate and "original" summer guide for make up: SUNGLASSES and LIPSTICK! Easy as it is. It's always sunny (not only in California) so why to bother with eyeshadows and eye lashes when you won't put your sunglasses off your face?* Just use any colorful lipstick you can find and it'll make it all.
Currently I am using all kinds of red and coral shades! One in the pictures is Lancome Absolut Rouge #102 (I thought that it's gonna be killer red, but in fact on the lips it's really soft) and my beloved Ray Bans - 'cos there's nothing like good old Ray Bans. Mine are from 2 years ago, but still absolute hip, as I have never met a single person wearing this limited edition - lucky me, that Kosice is that small and they have probably ordered only one pair, which I've immediately bought, haha.
Ok, this is getting too long suddenly! And I am about to finish and cook some yummie lunch for my bro - because, yeah, I am at home and I have a kitchen!
Let me know about your tips and tricks with summer make up. I am all ears! x
*This doesn't apply for summer storms, when you really don't need sunglasses, but then again, rain will wash the whole make up off your face, so here we are again :) - if only you just don't have an umbrella with you! :D
Pred nedavnom na jednom blogu, co sledujem, som objavila postu o letnom make up-e a snazila som sa predstavit samu seba, ako by som to vsetko na seba v tomto teplom pocasi dala.
Ti ktori ma poznaju, vedia ze som typ dievcata, ktore ma v tyzdni viac dni bez make up-u ako s make up-om. Z casti je to kvoli tomu, ze ho vlastne ani velmi nepotrebujem, nakolko som jedna z mala stastne narodenych s dobrou pletou, ale vacsinou je to tym, ze som rano hrozne leniva a nedovolim nikomu a nicomu, aby mi ukradol drahocenny cas, ktory mozem este stravit v posteli (aj keby sa jednalo o 2 minuty!). Voila, tu je teda pravda o mne! haha
Ale v lete, priznajme si to vsetky, cokolvek si na seba date o minutu je to prec, nakolko sa idete roztopit v tomto pocasi. U mna je to este horsie, cokolvek si na seba dam, tak je to prec kym pridem vytahom z piateho poschodia na prizemie! Takze davat si na seba make up v lete je viac menej strata casu, penazi a v konecnom dosledku aj make up-u samotneho.
A tu by som Vam chcela ponuknut moje skvele a "originalne" riesenie a jednoduchu prirucku letneho make up-u: SLNECNE OKULIARE a RUZ! Jednoduche, no nie? Ved aj tak stale svieti slniecko (a to nie len v Kalifornii), tak preco sa zbytocne babrat s tienmi a maskarou, ked to mozeme vyriesit jednoduchym tahom a sice dat si slnecne okuliare. Vo vacsine pripadov ich ani nedame z oci dolu, lebo stale svieti slnko!* No a ruz, kto by vysiel z domu bez ruzu?
Ja momentalne pouzivam vsetky druhy cervenej a koralovej! Ten ktory mam na fotkach je Lancome Absolut Rouge #102 (vyzera sice hrozne cerveno, ale na ustach posobi velmi jemne) a moje oblubene Ray Ban-y. Mam ich uz 2 roky, ale stale su pre mna jednotkou, a hlavne som este nikdy nikde nestretla cloveka, co by ich mal tiez. Neviem ci to nahodou nebude tym, ze Kosice su fakt male mesto a pravdepodobne objednali v optike len jeden kus, ktory som si okamzite kupila, haha.
Ok, nejak sa mi tato posta predlzila a nejak som sa rozrozpravala. Takze podme to zabalit, ja musim ist varit obed, lebo mam doma hladneho brata a konecne mam kuchynu, tak sa mozem realizovat.
Podajte mi Vase rady a napady na letny make up! Som same usi! x
*Toto sa nevztahuje na letne burky, kedy aj tak slnecne okuliare s vysokou pravdepodobnostou nepotrebujete. Ale zasa dazd aj tak zmyje vsetky naznaky make up-u, takze sme tam kde sme boli :) - pokial ale nemate so sebou dazdnik! :D

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