You know that when a song gets stuck in your head and you can't sing or think about anything but that particular song, which is by most cases the most teenage and stupid one you've ever heard?! Of course! So the song of today is "call me maybe" and my friend Adela had to listen to it the whole lunch we had at our beloved "Cafe Pavlac" :)
Also, shame you can't see, but I was wearing my long yellow dress, which is an ultimate piece in my banana collection, haha.
Oh days are getting longer, flowers smell better and vine tastes richer! Love you summer! x
Vsetci to dobre pozname, ked sa nam v hlave prehrava ta ista pesnicka dookola a my s tym nevieme nic urobit, len si ju dookola spievat a otravovat okolie okolo seba :D Samozrejme! Takze pesnickou dna sa pre mna stala "Call me maybe" (ano, som asi tak sto rokov za opisami!) a moja kamoska Adela ju musela pocuvat cely obed, co sme stravili na teraske nasej oblubenej "Cafe Pavlac":)
Skoda, ze tu nevidno na fotkach saty, ktore som mala na seba, su to moje oblubene zlte maxi saty, ktore su neodmyslitelnym kuskom mojej bananovej letnej kolekcie :D
Oh dni su stale dlhsie a dlhsie, kvety vonaju viac a viac a vino chuti lepsie a lepsie! Milujem leto! x
Goat cheese salad - is there anything yummier? |
This little dog reminded me a lot of Kitty's Fikkie who recently passed away :( xxx |

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