Today was extremely sunny here in Prague and besides the breakfast on the farm market and the visit to the Kafka's Museum we have spent it on the boat. First I was a lil bit stressed about being taken by the current and ending up somewhere in the Baltic sea, but soon I realized that it was real joy and fun!
What have you done during this lovely day? x
Dnes bolo extremne slnecne a krasne pocasie tu v Prahe, a okrem toho ze sme boli na ranajkach na farmarskych trhoch a potom v Kafkovom muzeu, sme stihli ist aj na lodicky na Vltavu. Najprv to bolo pre mna trochu stresujuce, hlavne myslienka, ze nas strhne prud a skoncime niekde v Baltickom mori (tam usti Vltava, ci?), ale rychlo som si na ten pocit zvykla a zistila ze je to vlastne hrozne fajn :)
Co ste porabali Vy v tento krasny den? x

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