It seems that this summer is in the name of weddings. This one was the first and there are still 2 more to come. I guess I don't have to tell you that I am struggling with wedding dress, as I can't really find anything which would be THE dress. Oh well, shall see.
But I'd like to tell you something about this wedding. It was the first time I've seen the couple, probably also the last time, yes I got there completely by accident and it felt like being in a movie.
Just all American wedding with everything what belongs to it! Or better said - everything I have seen in american movies.
So yeah, no ceremony, no congratulations, no nothing! They said "i do" and the blast and fun begun! Party, dancing and a lil bit eating - hamburgers, what else?
The funniest part for me was that all brides maids were dressed in purple dress and all grooms men were wearing purple sneakers, something like all stars or so. I wish I could have taken picture of that, but as you know I didn't know anybody there so I didn't wanna make a bigger fuss...
Anyway, the wedding is over, I wish the happy couple all the best and I am looking forward to the next wedding in August! x
PS: I took the pic by phone, just wanted to try the quality - obviously not good enough, but still better than noting, right?
Zda sa, ze toto leto je v znameni svadieb. Tato bola len prva z troch svadieb, ktore ma cakaju. Myslim, ze si viete predstavit, aku dilemu mam pri vybere siat, a ze neviem najst nic, co by hovorilo v obchode: "kup si ma, som TIE saty!". Myslim si ale, ze je to uplne standardna situacia pred svadbou a na poslednu chvilu aj tak najdem nieco doma v skrini, ach ake originalne :D
Ale rada, by som Vam napisala nieco o tejto svadbe. Bolo to prvy a asi aj poslednykrat co som videla statny par. Nie, neprehanam, ocitla som sa tam nahodou... A bolo to ako vo filme.
Jednoducho uplne americka svadba so vsetkym, co k tomu patri. Alebo lepsie povedane, so vsetkym, co som kedy videla na filmovom platne.
Takze ziadne ceremonie, zdlhave gratulovania a neviem co este. Jednoducho party od zaciatku az dokonca, s tancom, hamburgermi a zmrzlinou.
Takze vobec nebolo krmenie lyzickou, zametanie crepin alebo unos nevesty!
Najviac sa mi ale pacilo, ze druzicky mali fialove saty a druzbovia mali fialove tenisky, nieco ako conversky alebo tak. Rada by som to odfotila, ale nechcela som vyvolavat rozruch nakolko som tam nikoho ani len nepoznala...
V kazdom pripade je po svadbe, stastnemu paru zelam vsetko najlepsie a uz sa tesim na dalsiu svadbu v auguste! x

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