Desperate housewives street. |
War of Worlds setting. |
What's new Scooby Doo? |
With Apollo 13 crew. |
The day was full of attractions, exploring and of course waiting in a line... But it was all worth it!
The best part for me was a 3D roller coaster, because I simply knew that I am safely on the ground and that there is just a movie screening in front of me. Really nice one! The Simpson ride is fully recommended by be - you won't be bored!
The vacation here is getting shorter and shorter and we still need to see, eat and shop for many things... So many shops, so little time - we all know it, right? x
Ahojte z Universal Studios, kde sa pravdepodobne zrodila iluzia! Vzdy som si myslela, ze Copperfield bol Pan Carodejnik, a ze vacsieho od neho niet, ale omyl, tento titul pravom patri vsetkym, co pracuju v Universal Studiach. Klobuk dolu - bravo!
Cely den bol plny atrakcii, objavovanie a samozrejme cakania v rade... Ale vsetko to bolo hodne toho co sme videli a zazili.
Najlepsi bol 3D rollercoaster, lebo som vedela na 100%, ze sme bezpecne na zemi a nic sa mi nemoze stat, a ze sa len predo mnou premieta film. Aaaah aka to ulava! Takze urcite odporucam ist na Simpsonovcov - nebudete sa nudit!
Prazdniny sa ale pomaly kratia a veci co by som chcela vidiet, zazit a ochutnat je este stale hrozne vela... Tak vela obchodov, a tak malo casu - ved to vsetci pozname, nie? x

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