As I am almost falling asleep after a very exhausting day full of shopping and sunshine in California, I am sending you just the view over the city of angels, city where all dreams come true.
We snapped those pics in Getty Center, which was just overwhelming, probably as big as Louvre in Paris - or maybe not, but definitely big enough not to see the whole museum.
Getting inspired? x
Nakolko uz skoro zaspavam nad klavesnicou po dlhom a narocnom dni plnom nakupovania a kalifornskeho slniecka, tak Vam tu teraz posielam len pohlad nad mestom anjelov, kde sa plnia sny.
Tieto foty su nafotene z Gettyho Centra, ktore je jednoducho ohromne, mozno tak velke ako Louvre v Parizi, alebo mozno nie, v kazdom pripade dost velke na to, aby sme si ho cele nestihli pozriet v jeden den.
Chytate nejaku inspiraciu? x

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