Once upon a time, there was a canyon. But it wasn't just a canyon - it was a Grand Canyon... that's how the story goes. One cannot even imagine what a continental drift it had to be here when it created this natural wonder, which proudly belongs to the world heritage.
It looks dead from the top but deep down there's a river and green trees - peace. So yeah, after I watched the movie Grand Canyon in IMAX, which is btw. the most watched 3D movie in USA, I've decided I have to white water raft it! I am sure it's gonna be superbly exhausting but also superbly worth it. So let's start working out and getting ready for my physical activity of the lifetime, haha.
But to tell you the truth about the Canyon, you just drive in a car and hop on or hop off whenever you feel this is a picturesque moment to capture. Oh and of course, you buy souvenirs! So I really recommend you to white water raft it and to go to IMAX to watch it in 3D - it will tell you the whole history of the canyon and you'll see beautiful scenery.
I promise, soon I'll post also some pictures where you can also see me and not just all that nature and stuff :D But how do you like it so far? Give me a feedback - I'm all ears! x
Kde bolo tam bolo, bol raz jeden kaňon. Ale nebol to obycajny kanon, bol to Grand Canyon... takze takto by nejak mohla ist rozpravka. Je pre mna len tazko predstavitelne, ako sa toto vsetko tvarovalo, ked sa kontinenty posuvali a vytvarali tento div prirody, ktory pravom patri ku svetovemu dedicstvu.
Z vysky vyzera mrtvo, ale hlboko v koryte rieky to zije - tecie rieka a zelenaju sa stromy. Po tom co sme v kine videli IMAX Grand Canyon, co je len tak mimochodom najviac sledovany 3D film v USA, som sa rozhodla, ze ho musim raz splavit. Nie dnes ani zajtra, ale niekedy v rozumnom case, lebo to co sme videli na platne bolo uchvatne. Je mi jasne, ze to vyzaduje super kondicku, ktoru momentalne nemam, takze je na case zacat na sebe pracovat a pripravovat sa na fyzicku aktivitu storocia. Ale tak zasa, ked som splavila Hornad, Grand Canyon nedam? hahaha
Pravdu povedat ale o turistike v kanone sa velmi neda hovorit. Viac menej sme len nasadali a vysadali z auta, ked sme nasli to spravne miesto kde sa odfotit alebo popozerat a hlavne kupit suveniry. Takze Vam vskutku odporucam splavit Grand Canyon alebo ked nie aspon ist do IMAX-u na jeho 3D verziu. Stoji to za to!
Slubujem, ze budem uz posielat aj ine fotky ako s prirodnou sceneriou, nieco kde by ste videli nieco zaujimavejsie ako zelene stromy alebo cervenu hlinu :) Ale co si o tom vsetkom zatial myslite? Cakam na feedback! Dakujem! x

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