Have you ever heard about Sedona? I haven't - well, until we came there. And I have to tell you that it's one of those cities, which makes you fall in love with it the very first minute you arrive. No kidding!
It's a little city close (in American terms - which means like 2 hours at least!) from Grand Canyon. You can also call it a spiritual city/town, as it has loads of artists living there and the streets are also full or art - everywhere you look, there's a statue or a picture or a direction for some gallery.
So yeah, if I'm ever about to write a book, I'll move to Sedona. I'm sure I'll get inspired there! So join my site, leave a comment and help me to reach my dream! Thanks :)
Poculi ste uz o Sedone? Ja teda nie, pokial sme tam teraz nedorazili. Musim Vam povedat, ze je to jedno z tych miest, do ktoreho sa zamilujete hned prvu minutu, co tam dorazite. Neprehanam!
Je to take male a prijemne mestecko blizko (co v americkom slova zmysle znamena minimalne 2 hodiny jazdy autom na dialnici) Grand Canyonu. Tak isto sa vola aj spiritualne mesto alebo mesto umelcov. Vsade kde sa pozriete na Vas na ulici striehne umenie, ci uz socha, obraz alebo aspon sipka, kde najdete najblizsiu galeriu.
Ak by som mala niekedy napisat knihu, ano chcem ju pisat v Sedone. Tam by ma urcite kopla muza! Takze sa pridajte na tuto stranku, nechajte komentar a pomozte mi dosiahnut tento sen! Dakujem :)

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