Crystals in Cosmopolitan Hotel. Really de-luxe! |
Our Hotel Paris. |
Fountain in front of Bellagio Hotel. |
Anyway, we stayed very classy in hotel Paris, which looked almost like a Paris. I was even wearing the dress I wore in Paris when I was there 2 years ago. But besides that, it has nothing much common with the city of love. Because right next to it there was Venice, Egypt, New York and many many more. All you can imagine, you can find it there.
We even tried a lil bit of gambling, but no luck in game! It's obvious, I am gonna get lucky in love! Just keep that spirit, right girl?
Ok, so now I've presented you pictures from nights in Vegas and the rest from the daylight I'm gonna keep for tomorrow. Need to keep you motivated to come back again, haha.
The sky is literally pink right now, sorry can't stare longer into the screen need to look up to the moon! x
Takze toto je Vegas! Je to tam uplne sialene, ale uz teraz sa vidim, ako sa tam vraciam a neviem si vybrat hotel v ktorom ostaneme! Lebo ako to kazdy pozna: co sa stane vo Vegas, zostane vo Vegas. Mali sme sa naozaj uzasne, je to tam ako v rozpravke pre dospelych. Uzili sme si americku turistiku - z hotela do hotela sme hladali len klimu a jedlo :D Varia tam naozaj od vymyslu sveta, takze som poctivo mnamkala. Poviem Vam, ze je to trochu nebezpecne, ak Vam daju na ranajky, obed aj veceru bufet "all you can eat" - po par dnoch by som bola na nespoznanie, haha.
No pokracujem v rozpravani. Nas pobyt vo Vegas sme stravili v Hoteli Pariz, ktory skoro aj ako taky Pariz vyzeral, az na to, ze tam boli hned vedla Benatky, New York, Egypt a kade co ine. Jednoducho vsetko co si len mozete predstavit.
Samozrejme som vyskusala aj kasino a hracie automaty. A samozrejme som stastie nemala. Ale beriem to optimisticky: nestastie v hre, stastie v laske! Och dufam, ze mi ten optimizmus vydrzi co najdlhsie, haha.
Takze dnes som Vas zasobila obrazkami z Las Vegas v noci a fotky z dna si necham na zajtra. Musim Vas predsa nejako motivovat, ze?
Och obloha je do slova a do pismena ruzova, prepacne nemozem dalej pisat, musim sa na nu pozerat! x

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