Ceasar's Palace Hotel |
Bellagio Hotel |
Flamingo Hotel |
Venetian Hotel |
But now it's time to tell you some interesting facts about this city of sin. The oldest hotel is Flamingo Hotel which was built by Bugsy Siegel - an American gangster. At that time, back in the 1946, it was the most luxurious hotel in the world! Bugsy lived in the top penthouse and had several emergency exits from his flat. So it was basically impossible to catch him, but the devil always sends woman and Bugsy was killed at his girlfriend's place in Beverly Hills.
But enough of this sad history and let me tell you now about my favorite hotel! It was definitely Bellagio Hotel! Oh my, the decoration was just amazing. Like a garden. All the animals as you can see in the pictures were made out of real flowers. Just like in a fairytale! Really pretty!
Ako som Vam slubila, dnes si pozrieme Las Vegas cez den! Najlepsie co sa da robit vo Vegas, teda okrem gamblovania a nakupovania, je chodit z hotela do hotela a obdivovat krasne dekoracie! Niektore Vam az vyrazia dych!
Ale teraz Vam este poviem niekolko zaujimavych faktov a informacii o historii tohto mesta hriechu. Najstarsim hotelom je Hotel Flamingo, ktory bol postaveny Bugsym Siegelom, ktory bol americky gangster. V tom case, co bol rok 1946, to bol najluxusnejsi hotel na svete (!!!). Bugsy byval vo svojom penthouse na najvyssom poschodi (asi to tak robi kazdy gangster) a viedlo z neho niekolko unikovych vychodov a stale mal pri kazdom z nich zaparkovane auto so soferom, aby mohol zdrhnut. Prakticky bolo nemozne ho dostat. Ale ako sa hovori, kam diabol nemoze, posle zenu. A tak nam nakoniec mileho Bugsyho chytili v dome jeho priatelky v Beverly Hills.
Dost bolo ale tejto smutnej historie, teraz Vam poviem nieco o mojom najoblubenejsom hoteli - Bellagio. Ta dekoracia bola jednoducho uzasna! Uplne ako v zahrade. Vsetky zvieratka, co vidite na fotkach, su zo zivych kvetov. Ako v rozpravke!
All right for today we're done. Leave you now with all those flowers and blossoms and will come back tomorrow - will write you from the desert! Stay tuned! x
No ale na dnes by to bolo asi vsetko. Necham Vas teraz so vsetkymi tymi kvietkami a zajtra sa Vam ozvem z puste! Takze sa mate na co tesit! x

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