Just imagine that the whole area of this park used to be under the water back in the time, like 500 million years! |
The road we drove through the park. |
...rain! How I wish I could finish this sentence with this word! But no! In Valley of Fire was no rain, in fact it was boiling there. It was the first time during this trip where I've decided that I probably don't have to see the pyramids.
As we didn't want to be completely American tourists we have decided to take a walk - 0.8 mile took us literally half an hour and then another half an hour to refresh and get back to normal condition. Unbearable! I swear!
But the colors! Beautiful. I tried to capture them for you as good as I could. The red rocks and blue sky, no clouds - sadly :D
So if you will be around Las Vegas, stop by! It's really worth seeing this piece of nature which used to be under the ocean back in the time. But try to pick up a better timing and not the middle of summer - I've heard that in winter you can even find snow here! So go for it!
Our next stop is gonna be another national park! So let's go green! x
...rain! Ako by som si len zelala, aby som tuto vetu mohla dokoncit s dazdom. Ale nie! V Ohnovom udoli, ako sa tento narodny park vola, nebol ziaden dazd, popravde sme sa tam skoro uvarili. Bolo to prvykrat na tomto vylete co som sa rozhodla, ze egyptske pyramidy asi vidiet nemusim, ak je na pusti tak teplo.
A nakolko sme nechceli byt ako uplni americki turisti, tak sme sa rozhodli, ze sa trosku prejdeme - 0.8 mile nam trvalo 30 minut - neprehanam! A potom dalsich 30 minut kym sme sa zregenerovali a dali naspat do normalu! Proste upek!
No ale tie farby! Co Vam budem hovorit! Dufam, ze sa mi ich podarilo zachytit najlepsie ako sa dalo, a ze z toho budete nieco mat. Tie cervene skaly a modra obloha boli obrazkove! A nikde ani mracka :D
Takze ak niekedy budete v okoli Las Vegas, tak sa tu zastavte. Vazne sa oplati vidiet tento kusok prirody, ktory pred 500 milionmi rokmi bol este pod oceanom. Ale skuste si vybrat lepsi timing a nie stred leta! Pocula som, ze v zime je tu dokonca sneh - tak vyskusajte!
Nasa dalsia zastavka je opat narodny park. Ale o trochu zelensi ;-) x

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