The other day we went whale watching to Channel Islands National Park, which is just 2 hours by boat from Ventura, CA.
Before we went on a boat we checked the results from past watchings and it was more or less 1 or 2 whales a day and about 2 000 dolphins and sea lions. And even at the cash desk I asked about the possibility of seeing the whale and the lady said that the conditions were pretty good.
Ok, she didn't know what she was talking about. The conditions were amazing! First we met some sea lions, then dolphins and then I thought I would be satisfied even if I don't see a whale that day. But then out of the sudden we were surrounded by 42 whales and 12 out of them were blue whales!
So that's how lucky we got! The whale tails were everywhere and I didn't know where to look first and which one to snap. It was like in a Disneyland! Ok, maybe not but still pretty cool.
As far as I can say, this was one of the coolest experience in US. What do you think? x
Par dni dozadu sme sli pozorovat velryby do Narodneho parku Channel Islands, ktory je len 2 hodiny lodou vzdialeny od Ventury, CA.
Pred tym co sme sa nalodili na lodku, tak sme sli skontrolovat vysledky predoslych plavieb a priemerne kazdy den videli 1 az 2 velryby a nejakych 2 000 delfinov a tulene. Este aj na prepaske pri pokladni som sa pytala, aka je moznost ze uvidime velrybu a slecna vravela, ze celkom dobra, ze viditelnost je fajn.
Mozem Vam povedat, ze vobec nevedela o com hovori! Podmienky boli doslova uzasne! Najprv sme stretli tulene, potom delfiny, a potom som si myslela, ze budem spokojna aj keby sme nestretli ziadnu velrybu, ale z cista jasna vsade boli len velryby. Konkretne 42 velryb, z ktorych 12 bolo velkych modrych velryb.
Takze taketo sme mali stastie! Velrybie chvosty boli vsade a nevedela som kam sa pozriet skor a co skor odfotit. Bolo to skoro ako v Disneylande! Ok, mozno nie celkom tak, ale aj tak velmi dobre.
Myslim, ze doteraz to bol asi najvzrusujucejsi zazitok, co som zazila v Amerike. Co si myslite? x

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