This is Santa Barbara. It's the oldest mission in California and loads of people are coming to visit this place. For me it looks like a little Californian Saint Tropez, with the long shopping street which leads to the ocean which is full of pelicans :)
But what I like the most about Santa Barbara was the staircase. I had to take pictures there! We were having lunch in a cafe nearby and the whole time I was staring on the stairs saying we HAVE TO go there, 'cos I need pictures!!! So far my favorite photos done in the US. Do you like the colors? x
Toto je Santa Barbara. Je to najstarsi klastor v Kalifornii a chodi tu vela putnikov. Pre mna to vyzera skor ako take male kalifornske Saint Tropez, s dlhou nakupnou ulicou, ktora vedie k oceanu, kde je mnozstvo pelikanov.
Ale co sa mne najviac pacilo na Santa Barbare bolo schodisko. Musela som sa tam jednoducho odfotit. Obedovali sme len nedaleko od tychto fantastickych schodov a cely obed som na nich len zirala a vravela, ze tam MUSIME ist, lebo tam potrebujem fotky!! Myslim, ze doposial su to moje najoblubenejsie fotky, co som nafotila. Co vravite na tie farby? x

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