Was supposed to bring me fortune! So let's see, haha. |
Welcome to USA! I am very sorry that there was such a big gap on my blog, as I was busy traveling around the USA. But time passes quickly and what was for me like a month it was just a week for you guys (let me believe that!).
Anyway, let's get back to my BIG US adventure. As they say, it's always sunny in California, well, I can confess that my very first day on our way to Las Vegas it started raining!!! But hopefully this is the very last time you'll see me wearing a cardigan here, because then we got to the places where I've decided that I don't have to see Egypt if there's so hot! But that's a different story...
So our first stop was at Hoover Damn - one (or one of) the biggest damns in US and in the world. It was built in 1930's and in that time it was the biggest - so I can say. It's simply marvelous! The interesting fact about it is that it is spread on the border of 2 states - Nevada and Arizona - and there are different time zones (but only in winter, as Arizona has no more daysaving policy - or who knows how is it called) in each of them, so once you're one hour earlier once you're one hour late, and all you need is only to cross the bridge.
As I'm trying to make this post as interesting as I can at the same time I am trying to make it as short as I can, because tomorrow is a new day, I am going to "fix" my teeth and need to wake up very early! Anyway, after Hoover Damn we got to Vegas, so stay tuned - more amazing pictures are coming! x
PS: It was very windy so you can't actually see very well my new hair - but what do you think so far? :D
Vitajte v USA! Velmi ma mrzi, ze som nebola schopna poslat ziadnu postu na tento blog, ale nakolko som bola zanepraznena cestovanim po USA, tak myslim, ze je to ospravedlnitelne, ze? Co sa zdalo mne ako mesiac, sa Vam urcite javilo len ako tyzden, lebo to v skutocnosti len tyzden bol, haha.
V kazdom pripade, vratim sa teda naspat k mojemu americkemu dobrodruztvu. Ako sa hovori: slnecna Kalifornia. No, mozem dosvedcit, ze hned ako sme prisli zacalo prsat! Pevne verim, ze toto su prve a posledne fotky, kde ma vidite v svetri, lebo potom sme sa dostali na mieste, kde som si slubovala, ze nikdy nechcem ist do Egypta, ked tam ma byt takto teplo, haha. Ale to je uz ina prihoda...
Takze nasa prva zastavka na ceste bola Hoover Damn - priehrada postavena v 30tych rokoch 20.stor. a pomenovana po prezidentovi Hooverovi (kto by to bol povedal, ze?). Je to jedna (alebo aj) z najvacsich priehrad nie len v USA ale aj na svete. V kazdom pripade, v dobe kedy ju stavali, tak bola najvacsia! Je uzasne obrovska, vsade kam sa len pozriete voda.
Zaujimavy fakt o tejto priehrade je, ze sa rozprestiera na hraniciach dvoch statov - Arizona a Nevada - a v kazdy sa nachadza v inom casovom pasme (ale iba v zime, nakolko Arizona uz viac nema setrenie dnom a neprechadza na letny cas), takze raz ste o hodinu skor a raz neskor a jedine co k tomu potrebujete, je prejst cez most.
Tak ako sa snazim urobit tuto postu co najviac zaujimavu, tak sa snazim urobit ju aj co najkratsiu, lebo je neskoro, zajtra skoro vstavame a idem si dat "urobit" zuby... Ale odporucam Vam prist sa pozriet spat na blog co najskor, lebo po Hoover Damn sme sli do Vegas a to je ine kafe ;-) x
PS: Bolo tam neskutocne veterno, takze nemozete velmi vidiet ako som ostrihana - ale co si myslite zatial?

vlasy!!!! :) kraatke!!ale laajk! tebe proste pristane vsetko, ale bacha, vyzeras este mladsie ;)
ReplyDeletehaha, dakujem! A neboj sa, v hoteli som bola registrovana ako dieta, ja 17 a Matus oficialne 16 :D a nikomu nebolo nic podozrive!