On our way from San Diego, where we went to the biggest zoo, we stopped in San Clemente - Orange County, which is a heaven for surfers. If you watched The O.C. properly you could have seen Sandy going to surf every now and then. And honestly can't blame him, the water was just amazingly blue!
But back to the real life. As I don't want to confuse you. I am no longer over the ocean, am back to the old continent and jet lagged writing this post. I still have plenty of pictures and stories to share with you, so don't be surprised when there'll be more pics from USA.
How is your holiday so far? Let me know! All ears - x.
Na nasej ceste zo San Diega, kde sme boli pozriet najvacsiu zoo na svete (ale fotky so zirafami som tu fakt davat nechcela, haha), sme sa zastavili v San Clemente - Orange County, ktore je rajom surfarov. Ak ste sledovali O.C. pozorne, tak ste si urcite vsimli, ako casto chodil Sandy surfovat. A nemozem ho z nicoho obvinovat, lebo voda je tam prekrasna!
Ale naspat do reality! Nechcem Vas tu zbytocne miast, a tak idem s kozou priamo na trh. Uz sa opat nachadzam na starom kontinente a tuto postu pisem s peknym jet lagom. Ale nakolko mam este asi milion dalsich fotiek a prihod spoza oceana, tak Vas nimi budem este chvilku zasobovat ;-)
Ake su zatial Vase prazdniny? Dajte vediet, som same ucho! x

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