Remember when I was talking about my obsession with Blond Amsterdam here? So guess what? Dreams coming true and for the first time in my life I made it to the flag store, which was just beyond paradise for girls all age!
I think I don't have to tell you that it was Kitty who introduced me to this heaven on earth. And always when we were having breakfast we had it from the fancy mugs from Blond - love it!
What I've bought in the store will remain secret for now. I'll post it as soon as I'll style my breakfast at least as fancy as we had with Kitty.
Pamatate si, ako som Vam tu uz hovorila o svojej zavislosti na Blond Amsterdam? Takze hadajte co? Sny sa konecne stali skutocnostou a ja som sa po prvykrat ocitla v ich kmenovom obchode, co bolo nieco ako raj pre dievcata kazdeho veku (vazne!!!)!
Myslim, ze Vam nemusim hovorit, ze k tejto zavislosti alebo skor zalube ma priviedla opat raz Kitty. A stale ked sme mali spolu ranajky v Amsterdame, tak sme pili cappuccino z tychto hrncekov.
To, co som si kupila v obchode ja, zostane na teraz tajomstvom. Ale urcite Vam o tom napisem hned ako si najstylujem ranajky minimalne do takej formy, ako sme ich mavali s Kitty.
Would kill for the bed like this! Only if it was transportable with plane, haha!
Och, co by som dala za takuto postel! Kiez by sa len dala transportovat lietadlom, haha!

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