As you can see, I've decided to dedicate this week to the Netherlands! You've already seen snaps of Amsterdam, Utrecht and now it's time for Volendam! Which is the most typical Dutch town ever, right?
So what we've done there? Besides eating haring and drinking Heineken, we had probably the best night ever. No kidding! Accidentally we found ourselves in the middle of carnival, which is the biggest fest in the town, which is highly attended by all the famous Dutch celebrities, such as footballers, their coaches, singers and many more. I hope I don't have to publicly confess that I didn't know any of them! But Kitty she knew them all and we had the most fun out of it, taking pictures with Jan Smit and other drunk singers, who were claiming to us that they were ROCKSTARS!!!
Ako ste si mohli vsimnut, rozhodla som sa venovat tento tyzden Holandsku! Mohli ste si uz prehliadnut nejake tie snimky z Amsterdamu, Utrechtu a teraz prisiel rad na Volendam! Co je asi najtypickejsie holandske mestecko.
Takze co sme tam vlastne robili? Okrem toho ze sme jedli haringy a pili Heineken, sme zazili asi najlepsiu noc zivota! Nie, nerobim si srandu! Uplnou nahodou sme sa ocitli uprostred karnevaloveho sialenstva, co je najvyznamnejsia udalost mestecka a je navstevovana vsetkymi holandskymi hviezdami a hviezdickami od futbalistov, cez ich trenerov az po spevakov a spevacky. Myslim, ze sa tu nemusim verejne priznat k tomu, ze som nikoho nepoznala. Ale Kitty, ta poznala kazdeho a mala z toho neskutocnu zabavu, ked sme sa podnapitymi celebritami fotili ako turistky a ti nam na oplatku vysvetlovali ze su ROCKSTARS!!!
Oh well guys, you were probably listening too much to Nickelback, huh? haha
Och chlapci, asi prilis vela pocuvate Nickelback, co? haha

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