Today I've decided to make a sum up of all the pictures I collected during my stay in the Netherlands last week. And for tomorrow I've prepared a high light of the week. As from this week I've decided to introduce you each Friday a friend of mine who inspires me and about who I'm talking here, so you'll get a better perception who people in my life are. So get excited and guess who's the first person gonna be!
Dnes som sa rozhodla urobit suhrn obrazkov, ktore som nafotila pocas pobytu v Holandsku. A na zajtra mam uz pre Vas pripraveny "high light" tyzdna! A sice od tohto tyzdna som sa rozhodla, ze Vam kazdy piatok predstavim cloveka, ktory ma inspiruje a o ktorom sa tu na blogu zmienujem, takze budete mat lepsiu predstavu o tom, o kom hovorim a kto ludia v mojom zivote su. Takze dufam, ze sa uz vsetci tesite a mozete uzatvarat stavky, kto bude prvy!
My Dutch breakfast with all the chocolate and sprinkles we found!
Home made cappuccino tastes the best!
Wouldn't be Amsterdam without bikes!
Cheesecake and chai latte in Utrecht!
Poffertjes <3
Nice door decoration in Volendam!

Sliny mi tecu!
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