I found the perfect lipstick for a love letter! Seriously, no kidding, this one is just perfect.
I can only wish people were writing more love letters now. Instead of text messages and e-mails. Where is the romance? (I assume gone with the wind together with Scarlette O'Hara and Rhett Buttler.) How can you send such a beautiful kiss via e-mail? Simply - you can't!
Ok, I got it. This can be a lil bit intense for you guys and probably only 5% (if not less) of you, would actually do something like this - signing a letter with a kiss. But still. I think there's something about it.
I can easily imagine myself being in middle ages, putting a lipstick on my lips and printing them on a love letter. Then tying it onto a pigeon's leg and letting it fly away... aaaw!
Gwen Stefani would be more than suited for this role and finally her secret of eternally red lips is revealed. Maybe it's more like a deduction.
So I am more than proud to announce you, that it's YSL, who makes this eternal lasting lips. And you will probably see me the whole autumn wearing them around!
PS: Don't forget to join me from now on on Facebook - to stay up to date and see more pictures!
Musim Vam slavnostne oznamit, ze som nasla ten pravy ruz pre lubostne listy! A teraz seriozne vazne, bez srandy, je uplne perfektny!
Mozem si len zbozne zelat, aby sa znovu zacali pisat taketo listy. Kde sa podela vsetka ta romantika? (Pravdepodobne odviata vetrom spolu so Scarlette O'Harovou a Rhettom Buttlerom.) Ako mozeme v sms-ke alebo v e-maili poslat tak dokonaly bozk?
Ok, je mi jasne, ze teraz trochu prehanam a asi len 5% (ak nie menej!!!) by sa realne rozhodlo podpisovat takto svoje listy. Ale aj tak. Ma to nieco do seba!
Viem si zivo predstavit, ze som niekde v stredoveku na zamku a dam si na pery ruz a otlacim pery na zamilovany list a potom ho priviazem holubovi na nohu a... Aaah!
Myslim, ze Gwen Stefani by sa tejto role zhostila tak isto velmi dobre. Konecne som odhalila tajomstvo jej vecne cervenych ust! Teda skor by som povedala, ze je to len dedukcia a nejde az tak o odhalenie.
A tak Vam mozem s hrdostou oznamit, ze za touto farbou sa skyva YSL, a ja budem tuto jesen nosit len ju!
draha, dufam, ze ked potom budes slavna na podiu zelat svetu mier nezabudnes ma spomenut v dakovackach :P
ReplyDeleteHaha, dakujem uz teraz - pre istotu!