Today I've spent the whole day busy at the uni without even having a chance to snap a picture of something or someone for you. So I've decided to dive into my photos, which I've been saving for an emergency cases like this and post something. Because we all know it, how it goes in a blogger world: you stop posting and they will forget about you! Not that there are that many of you, but still I'd do this even if there was only one of you out there reading those lines!
So I've decided to post today about the choices we make in our lives. Partly I got inspired by the movie The Words, which I've watched just recently and partly, as always, by my friends.
As they said in the movie, to make a choice is the easiest thing to do, the hardest part is to live with it. And I was thinking yesterday, was having one of that self-reflective tram journeys around Prague, about mine.
About all the questions - I've never had answers.
About all the song I knew by heart - but couldn't remember the lyrics.
About all the kisses and hugs, which I just couldn't find anymore.
And then I found that answer I've been looking for. Doesn't matter the choice as long it makes you happy and as long as you have somebody by your side, who believes in everything you do and shows you the direction and light even if the choice wasn't the best one:
The pictures come from the wedding of my friend Vanda and those kinds were just adorable. And I've been waiting such a long time to share them with you! So I hope you like the pics and you like the text.
Have you seen The Words? What's your opinion on choices and consequences? Let me know, I am all ears!
Dnesok som stravila cely v skole, bez akejkolvek sance odfotit pre Vas cokolvek zaujimave alebo kohokolvek zaujimaveho. Takze som musela nacriet do studnice "nudzovych pripadov" a najst nejake fotky, ktore som si nechavala presne pre tieto stavy. Lebo viete ako to v blogovom svete chodi: prestanete posielat prispevky a ludia na Vas zabudnu! Sice nie zeby tam bolo tolko z Vas, ktori by na mna zabudli ale aj tak, uz len z principu! Tento prispevok by som poslala, aj keby som vedela, ze len jeden z Vas cita tieto riadky!
A tak som sa rozhodla inspirovat dnes filmom The Words, ktory som videla len nedavno v kine, a ktory mi utkvel v pamati. No a samozrejme mojimi kamaratkami, bez nich by to neslo.
Pravdepodobne mottom celeho filmu bolo: je lahke sa rozhodnut, tahsie je zit s nasledkami. A to ma, vcera pocas svojej sebareflexcnej jazdy elektrickou po Prahe, priviedlo k zamysleniu sa nad svojimi volbami vyberu.
Rozmyslala som nad vsetkymi tymi otazkami, na ktore nikdy neboli odpovede.
Nad vsetkymi tymi pesnickami ktore som vedela spamati, ale slova mi stale unikali.
A nad vsetkymi tymi bozkami a objatiami, ktore su nenavratne prec.
A zrazu tu bola odpoved priamo predo mnou. Nie zeby toto bolo hlboko filozoficke, ale len tak pre zamyslenie sa: myslim, ze je jedno akukolvek volbu zvolime, aj ked bude bez vyberu. Dolezite je, aby sme boli stastni a aby pri nas stale niekto stal, kto by nam vniesol svetlo do zivota a nasmeroval nas spat na chodnik, ak by sme si aj nahodou zvolili tu nespravnu volbu.
Fotky, co tu dnes uverejnujem su z Vandinej svadby a cakala som hrozne dlho, kym som nasla tie spravne slova, ktore by sa hodili k tymto obrazkom. Dufam, ze sa Vam pacia teda :)
No a co Vy? Videli ste The Words? Co si myslite o volbach a ich nasledkoch? Podelte sa so mnou, s nami!
Dakujem! Myslim, ze by sme sa mali nechat trochu uniest a povzniest, hoci v mojom pripade, neviem ci ja nie som uletena az prilis :D A oficialne oznamujem, ze toto bol 50-ty koment :D
krasne:) niektori ludia (ja!) rozmyslaju nad nasledkami az prilis vela:)
DeleteMyslim, ze by sme sa mali nechat trochu uniest a povzniest, hoci v mojom pripade, neviem ci ja nie som uletena az prilis :D
A oficialne oznamujem, ze toto bol 50-ty koment :D