Ok, it's official - from today on it's absolutely legal to listen to x-mas songs!
I woke up today and there was snow EVERYWHERE - everything is white just like a toilette paper on a floor in a train's toilette (this comment is especially for Kitty, to make her smile:))
Anyway, we decided that snow is not gonna stop us from traditional Saturday farmer's market, here in Prague. Well, the market was still there, me and my friend Lucka, bought some essentials, but I was still leaving completely broken-hearted as my fav croissant in the world was sold out!
So we went to French bakery for a cappuccino instead and that was just beyond perfection.
Enough for now, I am tuning on to Last Christmas... What's your fav x-mas song?
Ok, takze od dnes je oficialne dovolene pocuvat vianocne pesnicky!
Dnes rano som sa zobudila a vsade naokolo bol sneh - vsetko bolo biele, ako ked mate na zachode vo vlaku vsade po zemi toaletny papier (toto prirovnanie je pre Kitty:))
V kazdom pripade sme sa rozhodli, ja a Lucka, ze nas sneh predsa nemoze zastrasit a aj napriek nemu sme sa vybrali na tradicny farmarsky trh. Trh tam bol, aj sme nakupili nejake zakladne ingrediencie pre Sobotne popoludnie, ale aj napriek tomu som odchadzala so zlomenym srdcom, nakolko moj najoblubenejsi marcipanovy croissant bol vypredany!
A tak sme namiesto toho sli do francuzskej pekarne, kde sme si dali cappuccino.
Dost bolo pre dnesok, idem si pustit Last Christmas... Ktory je Vas najoblubenejsi vianocny hit?

these make me think about my six months in Vienna so much...even if I know they're shot in Prague :)!
ReplyDeletehave a great week end!
kisses from italy
Thank you!!
DeleteI can tell you that the feeling on the market and in the streets was really x-mass-y and speaking of Vienna - it really reminds me of x-mas markets!