Do you know why is it advantageous to have a sibling?
Because you don't have to make any track of your records and acts in your life, you can see everything on your baby bro or sis. It's like looking into a mirror!
So yeah, this is me and my bro messing around with our fav "lach gummi" candies.
Blame it on the moon!
Experiencing the same?
Viete preco je vyhodne mat mladsieho surodenca?
No lebo si nemusite robit absolutne ziadne zapisky alebo denniky, kazda blbost co ste kedy urobili sa odzrkadli na vasom surodencovi, ktory zopakuje aj to posledne, a tak sa potom pozerate ako do zrkadla!
Toto som ja a moj brat, ako sa hrame s lach gummi :)
Myslim, ze nieco bolo vo vzduchu, preto sme tak blbli :D
Anyway Lenka, I would like to invite you and your readers to come join us in fun events organized by our Bloggers Against Social Injustice committee & also at the same time do your part and spread the words of a good cause.
Precious, very sweet! It's great to have a sibling we can hang out with )) Hope you have a great day & thank you for coming by my blog, do come again :)
Cute pictures! :D:D
ReplyDeleteAnyway Lenka, I would like to invite you and your readers to come join us in fun events organized by our Bloggers Against Social Injustice committee & also at the same time do your part and spread the words of a good cause.
We are the new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network for fashion bloggers to come together to make this world a better place.
You can let the unheard voices be heard by a click away! :D
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I hope to see you there! :)
Bloggers Against Social Injustice
Precious, very sweet! It's great to have a sibling we can hang out with )) Hope you have a great day & thank you for coming by my blog, do come again :)
La Femme Nouvelle
You're absolutely right! We need to treasure moments like this!
DeleteThanks for stopping by! x