I don't know how Germans do it, but for some reason Christmas markets here are always OVERCROWDED!!! And with overcrowded I mean SUPER overcrowded. It's like walking into Zara, when they have sales, or even when they don't, or walking into Tesco on Friday afternoon, when everyone is shopping for weekend. Yes, this is a Christmas Market in Germany. And it wasn't different in Dresden this weekend either.
It might be the high quality mixed with expectations but for some reason there were like million Czech people everywhere and it was pretty difficult to spot a German among them haha.
Now, I'm sending you some more christmasy pictures from the weekend. Hope you'll enjoy and get inspired to go and get your x-mas mug from some x-mas market!
Do you also travel for x-mas market? Which one is your favorite?
Let me know I am all ears!
Neviem ako to ti Nemci robia, ale z nejakeho dovodu su stale nemecke vianocne trhy uplne PREPCHATE! A myslim tym SUPER prepchate. Nieco ako ked vojdete do Zary, ked maju vypredaje, sice aj ked nemaju, alebo ked vojdete do Tesca v piatok poobede, ked si kazdy robi zasoby na vikend. Ano, inak tomu nebolo ani tento vikend v Drazdanoch.
Je to mozno tou vysokou kvalitou, ktora sa tu miesa s ocakavaniami a dojazdovou blizkostou, ale tento vikend tam bolo asi milion Cechov, a bolo vazne zlozite najst v tej mase ludi nejakeho Nemca - haha.
Dnes Vam tu este necham zopar fotiek z trhov, aby ste sa inspirovali a nacerpali vianocnu atmosferu.
Cestujete aj Vy za vianocnymi trhmi? Ktory je Vas najoblubenejsi?
Som same usi!
Vianocna "štóla" - velmi typicka pre nemecky trh
Och, tieto babatka v orechovej skrupinke sa pre mna stavaju vyzvou Vianoc, pokusim sa nieco take zmajstrovat doma! Nemoze to byt az take tazke haha
Dve vianocky vysmiate ako leco :D
Ozdoby na stromcek
Dali sme si samozrejme aj pecene gastany - mnam!
Mit halb-meter Bratwurst!
yum yum yum

These pics are super fun!
ReplyDeletePlease vote for me at this
link for the Grazia contest!
Thanks Elisa!
DeleteGonna check the link and support you definitely!
Haha, that's why I always try to go during the week!
ReplyDeleteLet's keep in touch, I'd love to!
Haha yeah, that would be quite essential but my friends are sadly not anymore free during the weekend as I am - oh the sweet advantage of being a student! x