Sometimes it's hard to capture the moment, but sometimes pictures just speak for us.
I hope my case is gonna be the second option as I was trying and snapping everything I saw and tasted the other day in Dresden Christmas Market.
For everyone Germany represents something else. The top cars, beer, science and education? For me, Germans are the best in doing Christmas! Especially Christmas atmosphere in the proper x-mas market - oh the best!
So girls and I got into a car and in less than 2 hours we were in Dresden! Here you can see some of the delights we've seen and tried, the rest is coming tomorrow:)
Niekedy je tazke zachytit ten spravny moment, ale niekedy to ide velmi lahko a fotky hovoria same za nas. Ja dufam, ze mojim pripadom bude ta druha moznost, lebo vcera som sa snazila co to dalo, aby som vsetko co sme videli a ochutnali odfotila a zachytila tu pravu vianocnu atmosferu na vianocnom trhu v Drazdanoch.
Nemecko pre kazdeho reprezentuje nieco ine. Bud su to skvele auta, pivo, mozno veda a vzdalanie? Pre mna su to jednoznacne Vianoce, pretoze si myslim, ze tu pravu vianocnu atmosferu nezozeniete nikde inde len v Nemecku (a Rakusku).
A tak sme sa 4 dievcata rozhodli, ze tento rok pojdeme pozriet vianocne trhy v Drazdanoch. Nasadli sme do auta a o necele 2 hodiny sme boli na tom carovnom mieste! Co sa dialo potom, Vam snad povedia fotky a zvysok zajtra!
Samozrejme Gluehwein bola nasa prva zastavka v krasnom hrnceku, ktory som si samozrejme doniesla domov! Dievcata ochutnali malinove vino, ja som ostala pri tradicnom.
4 vianocky na trhu!
Pera, our driver number one, and Lucka :)
BIG thanks!
Oh Tannenbaum, oh Tannenbaum...
Merry Christmas!!!

Really love your hat!
ReplyDeleteThaaanks! It's my fav for winter :)
Deletevery nice:)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
Thank you girls! x
Deletegreat pictures!!:) thank you so much dear:)) I am now following you too on GFC!!:) would you like to also follow each other on twitter, facebook and bloglovin?? let me know darling:))
Thanks, pleasure on my side as well :)
DeleteAhh, I miss Germany :) and I love your hat!
Presents woo! Win some new swag in my Four Days Of Christmas giveaways!
Thanks for your comment, Justina!
DeleteThat hat is my everlasting favorite one - haha.