February 1, 2013

on a verge of glory

Hello February!
I know, it's been all quite here, but hey - the new month and the new challenges are here!
So let's congratulate the lady of the week - who is no one else than my friend Petra, who PASSED the last exam in her life (hopefully), and is way closer to graduation than I am.
So here we were, enjoying the festive lunch with a glass or two of prosseco :)

Ahoj Februar - vitam Ta medzi nami!
Viem, viem, nejak som tu poslednu dobu nesrsala aktivitou, ale nakolko sa nikto z Vas nevyjadril, ci chce alebo nie pocuvat o Konfuciovi alebo cinskych dejinach, brala som to ako nie a mlcala.
Tento tyzden vsak patri inej slecne, a nebude to nikto iny ako nasa Peta, ktora uspesne zostatnicovala a je o krok blizsie k promociam ako ja.
A tu je len zopar fotiek, zo slavnostneho obeda, kde sme si dali pohar alebo aj dva prosecca :)

Myslim, ze sa uz menim na pandu!!!


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