Today, Radka and I were ice-creaming. Tasted one of the first ice-creams this year and boy, it was delicious! Have it ever occurred to you how do they name the ice-cream? Before it used to be plain strawberry, chocolate or vanilla. But today I had an ice-cream called "bacio". How do you associate kiss with chocolate and nuts? Or better. I remember when Kitty and I were in Italy, we visited little town Salerno and had probably the best ice-cream of all times. But the names were super ridiculous! Unfortunately I remember only one: "Kate&William". Must have been something fruity. Amen.
To sum up this day, I can say that I tasted some really good "kiss" and tried a new carrot cake, but most of all had endless fun!
How about you and ice-cream names? What's the most ridiculous one you tried?
Dnes sme sa s Radkou vybrali ochutnat jednu z prvych zmrzlin tohto roku. A bolo to velmi mnamozne! Zamysleli ste sa ale niekedy nad nazvami tych kopcekov studenej slasti? S dievcatami v Kosiciach sme chodili do Aidy na kopcek jahodovej, cokoladovej alebo vanilkovej. Dnes som mala prichut "bacio". Ako si mohol niekto vymysliet, ze cokolada s orieskami bude asociovat bozk? Pytam sa. Alebo lepsie. Ked sme s Kitty boli v Taliansku, zavitali sme do mestecka Salerno a mali pravdepodobne este lepsiu zmrzlinu, ako robia v Svetozore v Prahe. Ale tie mena! Co mi ostalo zafixovane je prichut "Kate&William". Predpokladam, ze muselo ist o nejaku ovocnu prichut alebo cokoladovu. To uz neviem, ale tie nazvy ma prekvapili. Totalne.
Aby som ale zhrnula dnesok, tak bol velmi dobrom "bozku", o novom mrkvovom kolaci a hlavne o smiechu!
Co Vy a nazvy zmrzliny? Aka je najabsurdnejsia prichut aku ste ochutnali?

Kate a Williama si pamatam! Ale tiez neviem, co to bolo za chut:) asi sladka ako oni dvaja:)))
ReplyDeletehaha, snazila som sa preskumat tu fotku, ale daleko som nedosla :D ale viem ze mi v tom Salerne najviac chutila zmrzka v celej Italii!
Deletepresne tak,aj ja na nu spominam:)
ReplyDeletevery very nice my dear!!!!
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