I was in Utah, lovelies! I believe that almost none of you know the story behind, which makes me so excited, haha. So let me tell you first. When I was on my exchange in Passau, Germany, I became friend with American and English people there. So I hang out with them a lot and that made all of the other students there think that I was American as well. Hence my friends came with the plot that I'm from Utah - 'cos they speak funny there and I have super funny accent. (which I can't really tell, as I haven't spoken to anyone in Utah - uuups!) But then some people asked me from which city and I was blanked. The only city I knew was Salt Lake City. So I was from Salt Lake City. But then one friend asked: From which part? My sister used to live there! And I was killed! But luckily I invented: I live directly at the Salt lake. And everyone was happy :D So yeah, ever since this story, my dear friend Kayla and I used to fantasize that we have to go together to Salt Lake City to the Salt lake! Voila!
This time tho I skipped the visit of this city and went only to Zion National Park, which was just beautiful. We also met some animals as you can see, which only added to the beauty of the park. Had really good time there even tho we saw it very fast... So yeah, another tip for you when you accidentally end up in Utah :) x
PS: Lots of pictured were taken from a car - so don't judge, please, haha.
PS2: Some interesting fact for the end: Utah has the most national parks in the US.
Bola som v Utahu, milacikovia! Je mi jasne, ze skoro nikto z Vas nechape moje nadsenie z tohoto vyletu, takze je na case aby som Vas zasvatila. Ked som bola na erasme v Pasove, Nemecko, tak som sa skamaratila hlavne s Americanmi a Anglicanmi. Tak ako som s nimi travila skoro vsetok moj cas, tak si o mne zacal zbytok studentov mysliet, ze patrim k nim, a ze tiez musim byt Americanka. A tak si moji kamarati vymysleli, ze budem z Utahu - lebo tam maju vraj vtipny prizvuk, taky ako ja. (neviem Vam to potvrdit, lebo som v Utahu s nikym nehovorila - uuups!) Ale potom sa ludia zacali pytat, ze z ktoreho som mesta. A bola som nahrata, nakolko som ine mesto ako Salt Lake City nepoznala. Takze som bola zo Salt Lake City. Vsetko bolo ok, az kym sa ma jeden kamos nespytal, ze z ktorej casti, lebo jeho sestra tam byvala. Uz som si myslela, ze to cele padlo, az kym som zistila, ze ten dotycny v Salt Lake City v zivote nebol, takze moju adresu: pri Salt Lake, zhltol ako ryba s navyjakom. Takze tolko historka. No a od tej chvile, ja a kamoska Kayla snivame o tom, ze sa do toho Slaneho Mesta a.k.a Slanca, raz vyberieme na vylet. Voila!
Tentokrat som ale Salt Lake City obisla. Zastavili sme sa len v Narodnom parku Zion, kde bolo uzasne - ved ako inak. Opat raz cervene skaly, ale tentokrat vacsie a trochu aj porastene zelenou. Ku krase parku este dodalo aj to, ze sme stretli lesnu zver - srnku a vevericku, ako je vidno na fotke :)
Takze tu to mate - dalsi z tipov, kam sa ist pozriet, ak by ste sa nahodou z cista jasna ocitli v Utahu! x
PS: Vela fotiek bolo fotenych z auta, takze ospravedlnte ich kvalitu! Dakujem!
PS2: A zaujimavost na zaver: Utah ma najviac narodnych parkov v USA.

:D Tak sa ti to dievca predsa len podarilo! v Utahu som nebola!! cakaaam pohladnicu!! :) xoxo